Frequently Asked Questions

What does a typical massage session look like?
A typical massage begins with an intake, and/or consultation and time given to undress to your comfort level. The massage may or may not include talking other than to communicate the specifics of the massage for the best possible session. The temperature, lighting, face-cradle, etc is adjusted, lotion, cream, or oil is applied to uncovered areas such as the back, hips/glutes, arms or legs. Head massage is often included, but may be excluded upon request. You are welcome to shift positions as needed- arms, legs, head, and may be asked by your therapist to move them according to technique. The massage may begin face up(supine), face down(prone), seated, or on your side(side-line). Various techniques from light touch to deep touch are applied. Occasionally tools are used such as rollers, cups, cool or heated stones, trigger-point specific, micro current, or thumpers. Towards the end of the massage, there may be stretching or exercises and consultation of post massage follow-ups- such as stretches/exercises, shifting of movement/activities, healthcare.
What does “Un/Dress for your comfort level” really mean?
This means exactly what it says. You get to choose at what level you are comfortable getting massaged at- Clothed, partially clothed, underpants only, fully naked. By Oregon state law, you will remain covered everywhere, except where the immediate work is being done, or unless you ask to remain covered. It works best to discuss this, and any other concerns prior to your massage.
Can I change my mind during the massage?
Yes, speak up- Communication is key: If you prefer to talk or to zone out, If you would like non-“relaxation” music/or no music, If you are too cold or too hot, If you have to use the restroom, if you need the pressure lighter or heavier, if you want or don’t want a technique, if you wish to shift positions, if you wish to extend or decrease your time(depending on availability), if you wish to stop the massage at any time, if you have any questions
What does a session feel like?
A typical massage may leave you feeling relaxed. Occasionally, there may be mild discomfort or soreness post massage depending on techniques used. The lubrication is designed to allow for ease of movement, and may or may not be absorbed in the same way as other body lotions. Scalp massage is done with dry hands unless using an Ayurvedic (oil) technique, so as to avoid a “greasy” look, post massage. “Massage Head” is the term often used to describe the sensation which ranges from “out of it/light headed” to euphoric. These are often balanced out through post massage intake of water, electrolytes, and healthy food.
How/what do I pay?
Payment will be taken either prior to, or post massage. This is based on time, and if there are additions such as cupping, moist heat, ice/cool, essential oils, or extra time. Prices may vary between insurance and time of service. Through insurance - a co-pay is required, while the rest is billed through your insurance. This must be verified prior to your appointment. A Time of service charge is a one time charge per service. Payments may be made with cash, check, or credit card. When using a credit card, the transaction fee will be charged to you, and be included in the total amount.
How do I re-book or cancel an appointment?
To re-book an appointment, you can check your calendar and book on the day of your appointment, or call, text, or email at your convenience. To cancel an appointment, call, text, or email up to 24 hrs in advance.
Are there times I shouldn’t receive massage?
Yes: If you have a condition which is contagious. If you are sick, think you might be sick, were just sick. If you have severe sunburn, Acute medical conditions, If massage could aggravate a medical condition- A written note is expected from your physician to proceed with massage.
What if I’ve had an accident?
Yes: If you have a condition which is contagious. If you are sick, think you might be sick, were just sick. If you have severe sunburn, Acute medical conditions, If massage could aggravate a medical condition- A written note is expected from your physician to proceed with massage.


Deep Tissue

